【光明磊落】再次澄清FCC前執委指控 梁振英質疑政府物業租約何解不可公開
【光明磊落】再次澄清FCC前執委指控 梁振英質疑政府物業租約何解不可公開

全國政協副主席梁振英今天向香港外國記者會(FCC)發信,指自己按FCC前執委Francis Moriarty的要求,向該會提供Joint Professional Centre (JPC專業聯合中心)的租約。梁振英解釋,此做法是要說明這類租約「應該」和「可以」公開,故要求FCC同樣向公眾交出由政府擁有業權的會址兼俱樂部租約。




「FCC前執委Francis Moriarty指,FCC的租約應由特區政府公開,並認為全港賺取商業收入的非牟利組織應一律公開租約,包括由梁振英創立、位處中環特殊規劃位置的一個專業協會。




梁振英重申,有理由相信 Francis Moriarty 所指的乃是JPC:「雖然我和JPC沒有關係,但JPC 的租約是公開的,因此我拿了副本,今天交給FCC,,並要求FCC交出下亞厘畢道2號的租約。」他最後再一次問到,到底政府物業的租約有甚麼需要保密,以致FCC始終不允公開有關內容。




The Board of Governors

The Foreign Correspondents Club

North Block

2 Lower Albert Road

Hong Kong


27 August 2018


Dear Sirs/Madam


Francis Moriarty, an ex-governor of the FCC in his interview with Apple Daily on last Friday claimed that one of the “business and professional organisations that CY Leung founded” has an office in Central, and that I should take the lead in showing the public the lease conditions:


「FCC前執委Francis Moriarty指,FCC的租約應由特區政府公開,認為全港賺取商業收入的非牟利組織應一律公開租約,包括由梁振英創立、位處中環特殊規劃位置的一個專業協會。




Francis was presumably referring to the Joint Professional Centre (JPC) in which case he has mistaken it for the Coalition of Professional Services (CPS). I founded the CPS but have had nothing to do with the JPC. The two have always been separate bodies. The CPS does not hold leases from the Government or statutory bodies. In fact, none of the bodies that I founded have the privilege of renting government premises.


As regards the JPC premises, they were leased from originally the Land Development Corporation, and now the Urban Renewal Authority. And I have been told by the JPC that they went through a competitive process. Their lease is registered with the Land Registry under Memorial No.17072000800107 and is available for public inspection.


I now enclose a copy of the JPC lease and expect to receive in return a copy of the FCC lease. Alternatively the FCC may want to register the lease with the Land Registry. Please let me know if and when you have registered.


Further, I have been told by the JPC that their landlord has taken back the bulk of the space. They are now left with only 712 square feet, for the joint use of the 10 largest professional bodies!


The JPC lease illustrates the following. One, open and competitive process is the norm. Two, the FCC lease conditions should also be available for public scrutiny. Three, there is no guarantee that any space leased remains forever.


Yours faithfully


CY Leung

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