李國章根本無講過「啲人覺得我係bad guy」 《蘋果》又玩老屈?
李國章根本無講過「啲人覺得我係bad guy」 《蘋果》又玩老屈?

港大校委會會議再有錄音流出!今早《蘋果日報》在網上版表示「從可靠渠道取得李國章在11月會議的發言錄音」,並發出標題為「李國章又有錄音曝光:啲人覺得我係bad guy」的報道,然而,當大家翻聽和翻閱港大校委會委員李國章的原話,卻沒有發現標題的一句,《蘋果日報》似乎只是再一次擔當斷章取義的「標題黨」角色。

李國章提及「bad guy」字眼的英語原話是:

"Thank you Chairman. I think one of the…firstly I ought to state a conflict of interest that… I’d like to declare it first. I see it as two important issues. One I agree with the first thing that it is the reputation of the university that we believe in confidentiality to protect other people not so much ourselves.

But the second important issue I think is that we must have a better public relation, because, at the moment, it makes as if we're trying to keep confidential in order to hide something, that we have something that we should look out.So it is transparency.

Oh! These people are all bad guys that are hiding. And quite honestly, I have nothing to hide. I'm very happy to have everything I said including this meeting to be released to the public. But at the same time the whole emphasis is that we are hiding something, we are doing something underhand. And I think if we take the root that we are gonna uphold confidentiality we have to be very clear in our public relation that we're not doing it in order to hide something."



