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【Video】The Legislature after 1997 is better than that under the British Rule, Maria Tam:Universal suffrage has got nothing to do with the UK. It’s been given to HK through the Basic Law by the Central People’s Government.

//Facts speak for themselves, Hong Kong legislature is far more powerful and democratic than before.// The vice-chairwoman of the Basic Law Committee Maria Tam said: "Before 1997, The Hong Kong Govern...

2023-02-15 15:05:57

【Video】Ex-city leader, former and incumbent lawmakers slam UK parliamentary group's decision for uninviting Hong Kong lawmakers. CY Leung: "It's extreme irony,” “Its parliament is totally ineffective and dysfunctional."

//Former and incumbent lawmakers tell local and international audience why Hong Kong legislature is more democratic and representative than it was under British rule, and after its revamp in 2020.// C...

2023-02-10 23:53:32

【擺事實、講道理】新舊立會議員反駁英政客抹黑 梁振英:香港回歸後多方面比英國好 譚惠珠:97後議會比英治時期更民主 葉劉淑儀:選舉改革後立會恢復理性

英聯邦議會聯會英國分會(The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, UK),早前突然以所謂「香港情況惡化」、「政治多元及參與嚴重侵蝕」為由,撤回香港立法機關參加西敏寺研討會(Westminster Seminar)的邀請...

2023-02-10 19:13:20

【Live】 Seminar on Hong Kong Legislative Council - Then and Now

Seminar on Hong Kong Legislative Council - Then and Now 「香港立法會 – 過去與今天」英語研討會 Co-organizers:  Hong Kong United Foundation  China Retold (Founded by Dominic Lee and other English-speaki...

2023-02-10 10:00:00

【密切留意】香港立法會「過去與今天」英語研討會 重量級嘉賓分享回歸前後轉變

//香港立法會一直被外國抹黑,大家到時記得睇吓幾位重量級人士點樣反駁!// //In response to the unfair comments of western countries on Hong Kong Legislative Council, former and incumbent lawmakers of Hon...

2023-02-07 13:58:32



2023-01-07 16:21:56

【人大釋法】譚惠珠:人大釋法無損法院權力 僅「畫公仔畫出腸」教如何使用條文


2023-01-02 12:43:49

【人大釋法】譚耀宗:釋除社會對境外勢力危害國安疑慮 譚惠珠:無影響本港司法獨立


2022-12-31 11:16:35

【國家憲法日】鄧中華:特區維護國安形勢依然嚴峻複雜、部分國安案值得高度警惕 譚惠珠:本港須將聯通世界看成使命必達奮鬥目標


2022-12-04 19:22:28


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2022-12-04 15:04:00