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【直播】【焦點短打】EP235:聯合國委員會被用作攻訐香港 片面失實指控充斥西方社會

//壹傳媒是一間什麼公司?天知、地知,香港人人都知,現在看來,只有聯合國「經社文權利委員會」的成員,以及一些別有用心的西方政客「詐唔知」。// 主持:《港人講地》執行總編輯許紹基 《焦點短打》逢一至五晚上六...

2023-02-16 18:00:00

【Video】The Legislature after 1997 is better than that under the British Rule, Maria Tam:Universal suffrage has got nothing to do with the UK. It’s been given to HK through the Basic Law by the Central People’s Government.

//Facts speak for themselves, Hong Kong legislature is far more powerful and democratic than before.// The vice-chairwoman of the Basic Law Committee Maria Tam said: "Before 1997, The Hong Kong Govern...

2023-02-15 15:05:57

【戳穿謊言】新疆自治區主席吐尼亞孜取消訪英 外交部指所謂侵犯人權純屬世紀謊言


2023-02-15 13:49:56

【Video】CY Leung: Evidence shows British political system is totally ineffective and dysfunctional, Hong Kong has done a lot better than the UK since 1997​.

//As the British political system has a lot of problem, it is extreme irony for the UK parliamentary group to showcase the so-called “effective parliament”.// The Hon CY LEUNG said: "It is extreme iro...

2023-02-13 19:06:21

【短片】【笑聞一分鐘】持BNO移英生活好閉翳? 六成「手足」孤立無援冇錢使?

//條路自己揀,跌倒都唔好喊喇~// 拿BNO移民很好、很自由?移英生活很享受?近日有數據顯示,去年第三季度申請BNO長期簽證的人數按季急跌44%,差不多在同一時間,關注「手足」生活的教育組織「時代公民教育平台」就...

2023-02-12 16:00:00

【Video】Ex-city leader, former and incumbent lawmakers slam UK parliamentary group's decision for uninviting Hong Kong lawmakers. CY Leung: "It's extreme irony,” “Its parliament is totally ineffective and dysfunctional."

//Former and incumbent lawmakers tell local and international audience why Hong Kong legislature is more democratic and representative than it was under British rule, and after its revamp in 2020.// C...

2023-02-10 23:53:32

【筆評則鳴】梁振英牽頭搞英語研討會 戳破英國政客謊言、說好香港故事

英聯邦議會聯會英國分會(The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, UK)(下稱:「聯會」),早前突然以所謂「香港情況惡化」和「政治多元及參與嚴重侵蝕」為由,撤回香港立法機關參加西敏寺研討會(Westminste...

2023-02-10 18:30:00

【筆評則鳴】BNO在香港猶如廢物 「移英港人」自然不可提取強積金

今日想和大家講一樣開心事、正氣事。據美國代理人媒體《美國之音》報道,英國的所謂跨黨派國會香港小組(All-Party Parliamentary Group on Hong Kong)日前發表報告,批評滙豐銀行以「文件不足」為由,拒絕客戶以「永...

2023-02-09 18:30:00

【直播】【焦點短打】EP230:BNO在香港猶如廢物 「移英港人」自然不可提取強積金

//「移英港人」別灰心,待你們真的有英國永居權、不會返回香港後,強積金受託人一定會將那筆錢交還給你們。// 主持:《港人講地》執行總編輯許紹基 直播節目,矚目登場﹗ 剖析國際形勢,掌握時政脈搏 約定你,和你不...

2023-02-09 18:00:00

【依法行事】被英國會指限制移英港人提取強積金 滙豐:尊重人權及遵守法律

美國彭博社周三(8日)報道,英國國會一個委員會公布一份長達23頁的報告,指摘滙豐銀行限制移英港人領取存款。滙豐回應指,它尊重人權並像所有銀行一樣,必須遵守經營地區法律及監管機構指示。 報告指,根據提供給英...

2023-02-08 13:39:28