
由外國傳媒機構僱員組成的香港外國記者會(FCC),執意安排分離主義者、香港民族黨召集人陳浩天作午餐會的演講嘉賓,引起全城關注。全國政協副主席梁振英今日再次在個人社交網站發表英文文章,回應FCC前執委Francis Moriarty,有關建議FCC邀請他就「香港須壓制任何有關民族主義情緒的討論」的題目演講一事。

梁振英指出,他並不認同陳浩天和其政黨香港民族黨只是「情緒的表達」那麼簡單;而且在某些議題上,是不能以「要有平等的辯論機會」作為借口,例如,FCC是否會邀請種族歧視者、反猶太主義者,或納粹主義者到該會進行演講?是否會邀請那些認為「猶太人大屠殺」或「南京大屠殺」是虛構的人進行演講?梁振英認為不好,也相信FCC不會作出此類安排,而Francis Moriarty也不能說有人不同意大家反對這些極端主張,而以此作為開脫的借口去解釋為何FCC找那些持極端主張者去演講。



Francis Moriarty of the Foreign Correspondents Club said he had suggested that the Club invite me to speak on why “any discussion of nationalist sentiment in Hong Kong should be suppressed.”

First, Andy Chan and his party do not just express sentiments. 

Secondly, on certain subjects, equal opportunity in a debate is no defence. Would the Club invite speakers who promote racism, anti-semitism or Nazism? Ditto speakers who claim that the Holocaust and Nanjing massacre are figments of imagination? I advise not. And I believe the Club wouldn’t. Could Francis defend the Club by suggesting speakers who hold opposite views on these subjects? No he couldn’t.

No one has to wait for my views on Andy Chan and Hong Kong independence. Please read the Basic Law, Article 23 in particular. The freedoms of expression and of the press, while protected by the Basic Law, do not override our obligations. 

Severing Hong Kong from China is an absolute red line.

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